Online casino in Czech Republic and license for Czech online casino

Czech online casino and operation in Czech Republic

Obtaining a license for Czech online casino

Under Czech law, gambling business is regulated mainly by the Act No. 186/2016 Coll., on gambling as amended (“Czech Gambling Act” ), which defines all important terms and also rules for operating gambling business in Czech Republic and regulates offenses and sanctions for such offences in this area.


1.1 Operating an online casino is subject to all terms described in our article Gambling in Czech Republic and Czech Gambling Act, which describes the main terms and also rules for operating gambling business in Czech Republic. Operating a Czech online casino is in addition to general requirements also subject to special requirements of player registration.
1.2 On the website, where the on-line casino is operated, the operator is obliged to publish in a legible and at any time accessible manner the information mentioned in Section 6 of our article Gambling in Czech Republic and Czech Gambling Act (Technical Requirements.
1.3 To operate an online casino, registration of player is strictly required. Each player can have only one user account with each operator. Registration of player must be provided by the operator of online casino and the registration includes verification of players age and identity. Operator is obliged to assign access data and to activate player’s user account.
1.4 Operator cannot grant access to any person, who is not registered and verified to any game in online casino. The registration process is complete in the moment of activation of the user account.
1.5 While the registration process is not complete yet, the operator is obliged to make a temporary player’s account. The temporary player’s account cannot be active longer than 30 days and while the temporary account is active, the deposit on that account cannot be higher than CZK 3,000 in total.
1.6 If the registration of the permanent account is complete, operator is obliged to transfer any recorded funds or gambling instruments from the temporary account to the permanent account. Outside this case, the operator shall not enable any transfer of recorded funds or gambling instruments between user accounts nor between temporary user accounts
1.7 The operator must demand several information, without which the registration cannot be finished.
(i) player identification data and contact information;
(ii) player has to decide, if he wishes to use self-limitation tools and to what extent and he has to make relevant settings;
(iii) player has to provide his payment account or card details;
(iv) the operator is obliged to verify, that the player is not registered in the register of individuals barred from the participation in gambling.
1.8 The obligation to collect data about the player has been in force since January 2018 and has been enacted primarily in the interests of gambling players themselves, as well as in the improvement of the transparency of the whole gambling system and also in the context of the Act on Money Laundering. However, in the near future there will be the central evidence of the gambling players, and then every operator of the casino, on-line casino, or any other gambling business will be obliged to report those data to this central evidence of gambling players.
1.9 The collection of personal data of players in regulated also by The General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”).
For more information, contact us at:
JUDr. Mojmír Ježek, Ph.D.
ECOVIS ježek, advokátní kancelář s.r.o.
Betlémské nám. 6
110 00 Praha 1
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