Monthly Archives: July 2018

GDPR compliance in M&A and Due Diligence in Czech Republic

Legal basics of the GDPR compliance in M&A and Due Diligence in Czech Republic Data privacy protection and GDPR plays a vital role in every M&A transaction and due diligence in Czech Republic, whether as a part of assessing the risks for the buyer in the event that the personal data in the target company…

Beneficial owner registration in Czech Republic

Registration of Czech beneficial owner in Czech register of beneficial owners     With effect from 1 January 2018, the amendment to Czech Act No. 304/2013 Coll., on the Czech Public Registers of Legal and Natural Persons and on the Register of Trusts (the “Czech Act on Public Registers”) came into force, which introduced the…

Ownership of data and access to data in Czech Republic, digital European market

Ownership of data and access to data in Czech Republic, digital European market The digital single market is one of the European single market sectors that covers digital marketing, e-commerce and telecommunications, and is one of the main priorities of the Europe 2020 Strategy and its Digital Agenda. So far, this strategy achieved several improvements…

Cloud storages and its legal regulation in Czech Republic

Cloud storages and its legal regulation in Czech Republic Cloud storage is becoming more and more exploited in Czech Republic, especially for financial convenience, usually better data security stored in cloud storage than security that the user can afford on their own servers and of course for the convenience for the user himself. Despite these…