Monthly Archives: January 2019

Withdrawal from a non-competition clause by the employer in Czech Republic

Withdrawal from the non-competition clause by the employer in the light of the latest case law of the Constitutional Court of 2021 Withdrawal from the non-competition clause by the employer Czech law regulates non-competition clauses in employment contracts; these are dealt with in the provisions of § 310 of Act No. 262/2006 Coll. (the “Labour…

Changes of the Czech Trademark Law in 2019

Changes of the Czech Trademark Law in 2019 introduces new types of Czech trademarks         2019 Amendment to the Czech Trademark Act. New unconventional and non-traditional Czech trademarks.   After almost fifteen years, the first major amendment to the Czech Trademark Act came into effect on 1 January 2019. Act No. 286/2018…

The Most Important Changes in the Czech Law for Entrepreneurs in 2019

Entrepreneurs are facing various changes in 2019:         1. 2019 Amendment to the Czech Trademark Act   After almost fifteen years, the first major amendment to the Trademark Act came into effect on 1 January 2019. Act No. 286/2018 Sb. [Collection of Laws of the Czech Republic] Nr. 286/2018 Coll. transposes EU…