About ECOVIS Czech Republic


Consulting services in the field of auditing services and business consulting are provided by ECOVIS blf s.r.o., which was founded in 2006 by Ing. Miloš Fiala and Ing. Jan Bláha, who have many years of experience in auditing. The expertise and client approach of the team by nearly 20 professionals thus promotes this company as one of the leading providers of audit services on the domestic market, as evidenced by the list of a number of very prestigious companies using ECOVIS

Auditors provide in particular the following services:

Verification of Company Financial Statements - This service represents the most significant part of the Company's business. The company carries out the verification of the financial statements, respectively. consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with both Czech Accounting Standards and International Accounting Standards IAS / IFRS. A standard part of this package of activities is also the preparation of a company management letter in which the auditor draws attention to possible improvements to the accounting system, setting and functionality of the internal control environment.

Financial Due Diligence - This service is an important element that is absolutely necessary when buying a company. This service is an appropriate complement to other services provided by ECOVIS in the field of M & A.

IAS / IFRS - In the IAS / IFRS field, the company provides advice on reporting in accordance with IAS / ISFR. This advice identifies the differences between Czech Accounting Standards and IAS / IFRS that are relevant to the company, preparation of the manual for the preparation of the financial statements, consolidation of financial statements, preparation of the tilting bridge into IAS / IFRS, preparation of the consolidation package,

Process analyzes - This service provides a detailed description of individual intra-company transactions, including the linking of transaction holders to their customers and suppliers and thus the entire organizational structure. Determining the real process state of the company and the system of internal controls is a basic prerequisite for their optimization.

Balanced ScoreCard - This is a follow-up to process analyzes based on the goal of measuring individual process steps. In close cooperation with the client, the company assists in establishing the KPI, ensuring the balance of these indicators and subsequent management reporting.

For more details www.ecovisblf.cz

Corporate Finance

Advisory services in the area of investment banking provide ECOVIS Corporate Finance CZ s.r.o. in the Czech ECOVIS network. ("ECF"). ECF builds on over ten years' experience of key team members who have participated and assisted in many major transactions in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and other Central European countries as well as in China. Experience includes the representation of clients from large Czech and foreign companies, both on the buyer's side and on the seller's side.

Investment banking advisors assist in particular in the following areas:

mergers and acquisitions (M & A) includes, in particular, identification of appropriate acquisition targets, negotiation of take-over, organization of the purchasing process, coordination of other consultants needed to successfully manage the transaction, valuation of the acquisition target in due diligence, securing financing and settlement of the transaction;

divestice includes the preparation, design and coordination of the sales process, identifying and addressing potential bidders / investors, preparation of an information memorandum, preparing and organizing due diligence (data room, management interviews, etc.), setting the optimal transaction structure, selecting the best bid and settling the transaction;

financial restructuring consists in finding and arranging an optimal structure of financing of current business activities as well as choosing and implementing the most appropriate forms of financing in relation to the strategic goals of the company;

capital markets mainly consist of capital market instruments such as IPO, SPO, private placement and bonds, for long-term financing of the company, recommendations on size, form, market, structure and indicative valuation of the forthcoming issue, preparation and design of an optimal the issuance process;

financial advice is part of previous activities, but individual parts such as analysis of acquisition goals, divestment strategies, valuations, etc. can be used separately.

For more details www.ecovis-cf.cz

Tax advice and councelling

Tax team from ECOVIS CBC Tax s.r.o. is able to provide comprehensive tax advisory services.

In the field of tax services, it offers:

Compliance services in the area of corporate income tax, including preparation of tax returns and supporting documentation

Tax compliance services

Real estate tax services

VAT services

Tax due diligence and other tax services related to the acquisition and sale of target companies

International tax advisory service

Tax Structuring

Representation in communication with financial authorities

Transaction Valuation Documentation Reports, Transaction Valuation Documentation

In the accounting field, it offers, among other things:

comprehensive accounting services in accordance with valid Czech legislation

registration and tracking for VAT purposes

processing and submitting value added tax - quarterly or monthly

preparation of the financial statements, ie closing operations, preparation of the balance sheet, profit and loss statement and notes (if necessary, cash flow statement)

Provide comprehensive payroll services:

preparation of all payroll records

execution of a bank order to the Bank for payment of advances for income tax, social security and health insurance contributions

preparation of pay sheets and salaries of employees in the required format

compliance with the reporting requirements for employees to the competent authorities

annual tax settlement for employees who do not receive individual tax returns

For more details www.ecovis.com/cz