Category Archives: Czech legal news

Czech Real Estate Brokerage Act

New Real Estate Brokerage Act in Czech Republic starting from July 1, 2020     Czech Real Estate Brokerage Act   On 1 July 2020, a new Act No. 39/2020 Coll., on Real Estate Brokerage and on an Amendment to Related Acts (the Czech Real Estate Brokerage Act), will come into effect. This Act introduces…

The Most Important News from the Czech Case Law in 2019

The Most Interesting News from the Czech Case Law in 2019         There are not many legislative news, which would be of general interest to all entrepreneurs, at the end of 2019. Changes for entrepreneurs can introduce not only the new Czech laws, but also the Czech courts and administrative authorities. The…

Czech Legal News 2020

News on legislation in Czech Republic in 2020         At the end of this year, there is not that many legislative news in the Czech Republic, which would be generally relevant for all entrepreneurs, as usual. All changes made in the last quarter of this year concern rather specific areas of law,…

Travel expenses in Czech Republic in 2023

The Czech regulation changing the rate of the basic reimbursement for the use of road motor vehicles and meal allowances in Czech Republic in 2023   The new Czech regulation changing the rate of the basic reimbursement for the use of road motor vehicles and meal allowances and setting out the average price of fuels…