Category Archives: Czech legal news

The Significant Amendment of the Czech Business Corporations Act 2020

The Significant Amendment of the Czech Business Corporations Act 2020     The Major Amendment of the Business Corporations Act in the Czech Republic   The an amendment to the Act No. 90/2012 Coll., Czech Business Corporations Act, as amended (hereinafter as the “Czech Business Corporations Act”, the unofficial English translation of the Czech Business…

Last will, testaments and inheritance in Czech Republic

Last will and inheritance in the Czech Republic. Inheritance proceeding and solving the estate in the Czech Republic   In the Czech Republic, there are two ways to deal with estate. The first is inheritance based on a succession from the law, which applies in the event that the decedent does not decide to express…

Legal framework for placing drug precursors on the market in the Czech Republic

Legal framework for placing drug precursors on the market in the Czech Republic   The drug precursors are regulated mainly by the Czech Act No. 272/2013 Coll., on drug precursors as amended (the “Czech Drug Precursors Act”). The Czech Drug Precursors Act defines all important terms and also rules for operating with substances and regulates…