Category Archives: Czech legal news

New Amendment to the Czech Foreigners Act 2019

The amendment to the Czech Foreigners Act introduces several changes in Czech immigration law   On July 31, 2019, Act No. 176/2019 Coll., which amends Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Foreigners in the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as the "Czech Foreigners Act") came into effect. This amendment introduces several changes to…

Czech Foreign Investment Screening

Implementation of the Regulation (EU) No 2019/452 from March 19, 2019 establishing a framework for the review of foreign direct investment to the Union in the Czech Republic   The New Foreign Investment Review Act shall introduce a mechanism for screening foreign investments in key sectors in the Czech Republic In April 2019, Regulation (EU)…

New Czech Personal Data Processing Act 2019

New Czech Personal Data Processing Act 2019 Czech Transposition Act to European Regulation GDPR No. 110/2019 Coll. effective from 24.4.2019 As of April 24, 2019, a new Transposition Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on the Processing of Personal Data (“Czech Personal Data Processing Act”) - English translation of the Czech Data Processing Act is in force…

Going Paperless? Guidelines for Electronic Personnel Documents in the Czech Republic

Digitally signed Czech labour documentation Possibility of using electronic signatures or other alternative digital forms for concluding the employment contracts in the Czech Republic   ECOVIS ježek on Electronic Personnel Documents and the possibility of using electronic signatures or other alternative forms for concluding the employment contracts in the Czech Republic.   This article summarizes…