Category Archives: Czech legal news

Conditions for the Distribution of Profit in Czech Republic

Distribution of profit and own resources of Czech companies The ordinary financial statements are, according to the Czech Supreme Court's current conclusions, "usable" for the distribution of profits even after the deadline by which it should be discussed by the general meeting   1. Legislation and general conditions for distribution of profit of Czech companies…

The Cost of Early Mortgage Repayment in the Czech Republic

Efficiently spent costs caused by an early repayment of the mortgage What costs can a bank require to be reimbursed by the consumer in connection with an early repayment of a consumer credit for housing?   On March 7, 2019, the Czech National Bank issued a statement on the concept of "efficiently spent incurred costs…

Czech Tax Package 2019

Czech Tax Package 2019 The recent changes of Czech tax law includes various changes of income tax, VAT, flat-rate expenses for private entrepreneurs, new rules against abuse of the tax regime     On 27 March 2019, it was published in the Collection of Laws Act No. 80/2019 Coll., amending certain tax laws and some…

Czech Brexit Act

Czech Lex Brexit. Legalization of residence of United Kingdom citizens in the Czech Republic in case of so-called hard Brexit.     Czech Act on Brexit. Czech Brexit Law   Deal scenario   The Withdrawal Agreement anticipates a transition period lasting until December 31, 2020, with the possibility to extend it until the end of…