Category Archives: Czech legal news

Tax framework for real estate acquisition in the Czech Republic

Taxeation of acquisition of a house, apartment, business premises or property in the Czech Republic Tax framework for real estate acquisition in the Czech Republic     What should be considered when buying a house, apartment, commercial space or property?   1. TAXES ON THE PURCHASE OR SALE OF A REAL ESTATE IN CZECH REPUBLIC…

Purchase of a house or land in the Czech Republic

Purchase of a house or land in the Czech Republic Legal framework       What should be considered when buying a house or land in the Czech Republic?   1. ACQUISITION OF A HOUSE OR BUILDING IN CZECH REPUBLIC   Czech real estate can be purchased free of charge from individuals or companies. The…

Purchase of an apartment or business premises in the Czech Republic

Purchase of an apartment or business premises in the Czech Republic Legal framework What should be considered when buying an apartment or business premises in the Czech Republic?   1. PURCHASE OF APARTMENT OR BUSINESS PREMISES IN CZECH REPUBLIC 1.1. Acquisition of an apartment or business premises in the Czech Republic Apartments or commercial premises…

Withdrawal from a non-competition clause by the employer in Czech Republic

Withdrawal from the non-competition clause by the employer in the light of the latest case law of the Constitutional Court of 2021 Withdrawal from the non-competition clause by the employer Czech law regulates non-competition clauses in employment contracts; these are dealt with in the provisions of § 310 of Act No. 262/2006 Coll. (the “Labour…