Category Archives: Czech legal news

New changes of Czech Labour Agency Law in 2024

New changes of Czech Labour Agency Law came into effect in 2024... On 1.1.2024 the long-awaited amendment of Act No. 435/2004 Coll., the Employment act as amended, came into force, bringing a number of new changes and obligations to labour agencies operating in the Czech Republic. This legislative measure aims to increase transparency and protection…

Legal Regulations and Conditions for Consumer Competitions

Legal Regulations and Conditions for Consumer Competitions Consumer competitions are a popular marketing tool that allows companies to effectively reach customers and increase their engagement. The legal regulations of these competitions have undergone significant changes in the Czech Republic in recent years, simplifying their organization and reducing administrative burdens. This article aims to introduce the…

Whistleblower Protection Act from an employer’s perspective

Whistleblower Protection in Czech Law from the Employer's Perspective   On 1 August 2023 became effective z Act No. 171/2023 Coll., the Whistleblower Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as "the Whistleblower Protection Act") and related Act No. 172/2023 Coll., an Act amending certain acts in connection with the enactment of the Whistleblower Protection Act.  …

The amendment to the Czech Labour Code of 2023

The amendment to the Czech Labour Code of 2023. News in labour law from 1.10.2023   This year brought significant changes to Czech labour law through the amendment of the Czech Labour Code (hereinafter referred to as "LC"), which was published in the Czech Collection of Laws under the number 281/2023 Sb. (hereinafter referred to…