Category Archives: Czech legal news

Czech Act on Church Restitutions and acquisition of the land by Czech Regions

The Czech Act on Church Restitutions and six years of its application - Part II - The regions acquired the original ecclesiastical (Church) property lawfully. In less than a month – on the 5th December - we will recall six years since the proclamation of the Act on property settlement with churches and religious societies…

Czech bankruptcy and insolvency – center of main interest (COMI) and international jurisdiction in cross-border insolvency and bankruptcy in EU and in Czech Republic

31.8.2018, Prague Center of main interest (COMI) - international jurisdiction in cross-border insolvency proceedings in the EU and ways of resolving bankruptcy in the Czech Republic   1. International jurisdiction of the courts in cross-border insolvency proceedings under European Union law The jurisdiction of the courts for insolvency proceedings with a European international element [1]…

Parental responsibility and maintenance of minor children under Czech law

Parental responsibility and maintenance of minor children under Czech law   The parental responsibility in the Czech Republic includes rights and duties of parents consisting in caring for the child disregarding marriage of the parents. This includes, without limitation, care for the health, physical, emotional, intellectual and moral development, the protection of the child, maintaining…