Responsibility for Autonomously Determining Machines in Czech Republic From the point of view of law, robot is not a subject of rights. Thus, the direct autonomous machine's legal liability in Czech Republic does not exist. Therefore, in case of their error, it is necessary to look for a responsible natural or legal person, who is…
Doing business without a trade license in Czech Republic in 2024
Doing business without a trade license in Czech Republic The Czech Czech Trade Licensing Act According to the Czech Trade Licensing Act (Act No. 455/1991 Coll.), the business activity is conducted systematically, individually, using one's own name, on one's own responsibility, with a view to make profit and under the…
Czech Republic minimum wage in 2020
Minimum wage increased in Czech Republic from January 1, 2020 Increase of minimum wage in the Czech Republic 2020 Czech Republic rises the national minimum monthly wage from January 1, 2020 by CZK 1,250 (approx. EUR 49) to CZK 14,600 (EUR 572.5), which means increase by 9.37%. Czech Republic has…
Odds Betting and Bet Stores in Czech Republic
Licensing of Czech Odds Betting and bet stores in Czech Republic Conditions for odds betting in Czech Republic and operation of bet stores Under Czech law, gambling business is regulated mainly by the Act No. 186/2016 Coll., on gambling as amended (“Czech Gambling Act” ), which defines all important terms and also rules for operating…