Category Archives: Czech legal news

Airbnb – the problematics of legal frame of “short-term rentals” and the possibilities of legal defence against their providers in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic, especially its capital Prague, has seen in recent years a surge in the number of real estate offered for short-term rental by their owners or tenants[1]. Amongst these short-term rentals includes the Airbnb service, which serves as an online marketplace where home or flat owners rent their property for a short period…

Steps for Acquiring a Czech Professional Trade Licence

Steps for Acquiring a Czech Professional Trade Licence Division of Czech Professional Trade Licences According to the Czech Trade Licensing Act (Act No. 455/1991 Coll.), the business activity is conducted systematically, individually, using one's own name, on one's own responsibility, with a view to make profit and under the conditions laid down under this law.…

Steps for Acquiring a Czech Permitted Trade Licence

Steps for Acquiring a Czech Permitted Trade Licence Division of Czech Permitted Trade Licences       According to the Czech Trade Licensing Act (Act No. 455/1991 Coll.), the business activity is conducted systematically, individually, using one's own name, on one's own responsibility, with a view to make profit and under the conditions laid down…

Czech vocational trades and vocational trade licenses

List of Czech vocational trades (řemeslné živnosti) included in the Annex no. 1 of the Czech Trade Licensing Act Czech Vocational Trade Licence   According to the Czech Trade Licensing Act (Act No. 455/1991 Coll.), the business activity is conducted systematically, individually, using one's own name, on one's own responsibility, with a view to make…