Category Archives: Czech legal news

Registration of beneficial owners in Czech Republic will change in 2022

Less than a year after the adoption of the new law in Czech Republic, there will be another change in the registration of beneficial owners. What changes await us?   Current form Act No. 37/2021 Coll., on the registration of beneficial owners (hereinafter referred to as " Law on the registration of beneficial owners “)…

Extracts from records of beneficial ownership registers in EU countries

How to get sExtracts from records of beneficial ownership registers in EU countries Pursuant to Directive (EU) 2015/849 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering or terrorist financing (the so-called 4th ALM Directive), EU Member States are obliged…

Asset deal and sale of a business (enterprise) in Czech Republic

Acquisition of a business by way of (i) asset deal and (ii) sale of a business (enterprise) in Czech Republic   This information is intended to provide a high level outline of the main legal and tax issues to be considered by a prospective buyer (“ Purchaser”) with respect to the available structures for the…

New Act on records of beneficial owners in 2021

Change regarding records of beneficial owners, sanctions for non-entry of details and false registration and other changes from 2021   Government bill on the Records of Beneficial Owners   In June 2020, the Government of the Czech Republic submitted a bill on a new act on the records of beneficial owners to the Chamber of…