Category Archives: Czech legal news

Employer’s withdrawal from the non-competition clause in the light of the current case law of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic

Employer waivers of non-competition clauses must be treated differently by the courts from 2021     Employer's withdrawal from the non-competition clause in the light of the Constitutional Court case law in 2021   Section 310(3) of Act No. 262/2006 Coll. provides that the employer may only withdraw from the non-competition clause for the duration…

Sanctions for not entering data in the Czech register of beneficial owners

Sanctions for not entering data in the register of beneficial owners in Czech Republic   The Czech Act No. 37/2021 Coll. on the registration of beneficial owners reflected the requirements brought by the so-called 5 AML Directive of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU into the Czech legislation and simplified the registration…