Poland work permit exemptions for artists and for other specific persons or groups

Ultimate Advisor for third country national artists travelling to European Union





Inviting artists, cultural professionals, touring groups, and others from visa-required countries to Poland


What do artists from third countries need to tour Poland?

If you are a performing artist, tour-manager, promoter or live performance organisation, sooner or later you might want to come and perform in Poland. Nowadays, artists and other cultural professionals are very mobile, performing abroad more often than in their country of origin. Performing abroad though, visas and other permits issues might occur. Since the establishment of Schengen Zone, and unification of legislative in European Union, it might be a bit easier, but the issue still stands.


An exemption is possible for a maximum of 30 days if the performance takes place in one year.


1. Foreigners conducting training, taking part in professional internships, performing an advisory, supervisory or role demanding specific qualifications and skills in programs implemented as part of European Union activities,
2. Foreign language teachers,
3. Members of the armed forces or civilian staff who work in international structures soldiers located on the territory of the Republic of Poland, or who are delegated foreigners for the implementation of defense programs implemented on the basis of agreements to which the Republic of Poland is a party,
4. Permanent correspondent of foreign mass media,
5. Speakers occasional lectures, speeches or presentations about a special one scientific or artistic value,
6. Athletes performing work for an entity established on territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with sports competitions,
7. Working in connection with sports events of international importance, addressed by the appropriate international sports organization,
8. Clerics, members of monastery or other persons who perform work in connection with the performed function religious, in churches and religious associations and national inter-church organizations,
9. Students of full-time studies in the Republic of Poland or participants of full-time PhD studies in the Republic of Poland, students working as part of professional internships, students working as part of cooperation of public employment services and their foreign partners, university students or vocational school students in the Member States of the European Union or countries of the European Economic Area not belonging to the European Union or the Confederation Swiss,
10. Participants in cultural or educational exchanges, humanitarian or development assistance programs or students' summer work programs,
11. Graduates of Polish upper-secondary schools, full-time university studies, doctoral studies at Polish universities, at scientific institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences or research institutes,
12. Delegated by a foreign employer on the territory of the Republic of Poland to perform assembly, maintenance or repair works, delivered technologically complete
devices, constructions, machines or other equipment, if the foreign employer is their producer, the receipt of ordered equipment, machines, other equipment or parts, made by the entrepreneur
13. Polish, training employees of a Polish employer who is a recipient of devices, constructions, machines or other equipment as regards its use or use, assembly and disassembly of trade fair stands, as well as care for them, if the exhibitor is a foreign employer who delegates them for this purpose,
14. Performing work for Members of the European Parliament in connection with their function.



Regulation of Minister of Labour and Social Policy of April 21, 2015



If you need more information, please contact us at any time:

Piotr Pruś
Attorney-at-Law, Partner

ECOVIS Milczarek & Partners Law Firm
Ul. Belwederska 9A, 4 Floor
00-761 Warsaw
t: +48 22 400 4585
e: piotr.prus@ecovis.pl

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