Steps for Acquiring a Czech Professional Trade Licence

Steps for Acquiring a Czech Professional Trade Licence

Division of Czech Professional Trade Licences

According to the Czech Trade Licensing Act (Act No. 455/1991 Coll.), the business activity is conducted systematically, individually, using one's own name, on one's own responsibility, with a view to make profit and under the conditions laid down under this law. The different professions requiring a trade licence are listed in annexes 1- 4 of the Czech Trade Licensing Act. You can find general information in our article Steps for acquiring a Czech Trade Licence.

Trades are divided under the Czech Trades Licensing Act (Act No. 455/1991 Coll.) into notifiable trades (Czech Free Trade Licence with fields of activities), which can be obtained based on notification - unqualified trade with objects of business: Manufacture, trade and services not specified in Annexes 1 to 3 to the Trade Licensing Act, and concession trades, which can only be pursued on the basis of a special business licence – a concession. Notifiable trades are categorised into three further groups: vocational, professional and permitted.

Professional trades include activities such as providing or brokering consumer credit, work as an optician, or animals trading. For complete list please see the chart below.

In order to acquire the concession for concessionary trades, it is necessary to demonstrate the relevant professional eligibility and in some cases to also meet some additional requirements. Trades that require concessions include operating a travel agency, road freight transport or a security firm employed to protect other people’s property.

ECOVIS ježek, the Czech law firm can ensure for proper legal advice in obtaining the Czech trade license

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Our Czech law firm can ensure for obtaining of your Czech trade license through its qualified experienced Czech lawyers.

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General conditions for pursuing a Czech trade

The general conditions applying to a natural person pursuing a trade are: to have reached the age of 18 years, to have full legal capacity and a clean criminal record. According to the Act, a person with a clean criminal record is someone who has not been finally convicted of intentionally committing a criminal act, if it was committed in connection with business activities, or with the business object for which they are applying or notifying, unless they are now considered as not having been convicted of such offence.

Professional eligibility

Alongside the form, in the case of a professional or vocational trade or concession, the notifier or applicant must submit a document attesting its professional eligibility for the relevant trade, or of the appointed responsible representative, together with his/her signed declaration that he/she consents to the appointment. The signature on the declaration must be officially certified. If documents are in a foreign language, they must be translated into Czech by a sworn translator (list of Czech sworn translators), with the exception of documents submitted by nationals of EU Members States or by a legal entity with its registered office, central administration or principal place of business activities in an EU Member State, unless there are doubts as to the translation’s correctness.

Other terms and conditions

Further, a document attesting the legal basis for use of the premises on which the trader has located its place of business (e.g. a lease contract) must be submitted, and also a receipt for payment of the administrative fee, which is CZK 1,000 (EUR 40) must be submitted. A foreign natural persons, except for nationals of EU Member States or of a State Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, or the Swiss Confederation, must attach to their notification of a trade or concession application a document corroborating that they have been granted a visa to stay longer than 90 days or have had their long-term residency permit. A foreign natural person must further provide an extract from the criminal register or equivalent document issued by the relevant court or state authority of the country of which the individual is a national; the extract must not be more than three months old.

The Trade Office is obliged to make the entry into the Trade Register within 5 business days of receiving the notification and issue the entrepreneur an extract if the notifier meets the conditions set out in the Trades Licensing Act. Where concessions are concerned, the Trade Office shall decide the matter within 30 days of receiving the application, provided that all of the relevant particulars are met. Subsequently, within 5 business days of the decision granting the concession having come into effect, an entry is made in the Trade Register and an extract is issued to the entrepreneur.

List of Czech Professional Trade Licences

Object of businessProfessional competence requiredRemarks
Geological work*)certificate of professional competence issued by the Ministry of the Environment**)*) with the exception of geological work constituting mining and other activities using mining techniques in accordance with Sections 2 and 3 of Act No 61/1988 on mining, explosives and the State Mining Authority, as amended by Act No 128/1999 and Act No 206/2002

**) Section 3(3) of Act No 62/1988 on geological work, as amended by Act No 3/2005
Tobacco processing and the manufacture of tobacco productsa) university education in a study programme and study field focusing on food chemicals or agriculture and one year’s professional experience, or
b) higher education in a field of study focusing on food chemicals or agriculture and three years’ professional experience, or
c) secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a field of study focusing on food chemicals or agriculture and
three years’ professional experience, or
d) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and four years’ professional experience
Act No 353/2003 on excise duty, as amended
Manufacture of dangerous chemicals and dangerous chemical mixtures and sale of chemicals and chemical mixtures classified as very toxic*) and toxic*)a) university education in a study programme and study field focusing on chemistry, mining, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, fire protection, food processing, medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, natural sciences, agriculture or forestry and one year’s professional experience, or
b) higher education in a field of study focusing on chemistry, mining, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, fire protection, electrical engineering, health care, pharmacy, veterinary sciences, agriculture or forestry and three years’ professional experience, or
c) secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a field of study focusing on chemistry, mining, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, fire protection, electrical engineering, health care, pharmacy, veterinary sciences, agriculture or forestry and three years’ professional experience, or
d) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth
and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and four years’ professional experience, or
e) documents under Section 7(5)(a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of the Trade Licensing Act, or
f) a professional qualification to pursue the vocation of chemist to operate devices pursuant to a special legal regulation**) and 4 years’ professional experience;

for the sale of chemical substances and chemical mixtures classified as very toxic or toxic, professional competence can also be demonstrated by means of:
a) evidence of at least five years’ uninterrupted professional experience as an entrepreneur or manager, or
b) evidence of at least two years’ uninterrupted professional experience as an entrepreneur or manager, and evidence of the completion of education in the field, or
c) evidence of at least three years’ uninterrupted professional experience as an entrepreneur or manager, and evidence of retraining or other evidence of a qualification issued by the competent State authority, or
d) evidence of at least three years’ uninterrupted professional experience as an employee, and evidence of the completion of education in the field, or
e) evidence of four years’ uninterrupted professional experience as an employee, and evidence of retraining or other evidence of a qualification issued by the competent State authority
which the trade is operated falls, and four years’ professional experience, or
e) documents under Section 7(5)(a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of the Trade Licensing Act, or
f) a professional qualification to pursue the vocation of chemist to operate devices pursuant to a special legal regulation**) and 4 years’ professional experience;

for the sale of chemical substances and chemical mixtures classified as very toxic or toxic, professional competence can also be demonstrated by means of:
a) evidence of at least five years’ uninterrupted professional experience as an entrepreneur or manager, or
b) evidence of at least two years’ uninterrupted professional experience as an entrepreneur or manager, and evidence of the completion of education in the field, or
c) evidence of at least three years’ uninterrupted professional experience as an entrepreneur or manager, and evidence of retraining or other evidence of a qualification issued by the competent State authority, or
d) evidence of at least three years’ uninterrupted professional experience as an employee, and evidence of the completion of education in the field, or
e) evidence of four years’ uninterrupted professional experience as an employee, and evidence of retraining or other evidence of a qualification issued by the competent State authority
*) Section 5(1)(f) and (g) of Act No 350/2011 on chemical substances and chemical mixtures and amending certain laws (the Chemicals Act);
for the manufacture of a chemical substance and a chemical mixture, a trade authorization is not required for this trade if the manufacture of the chemical substance and chemical mixture is also the subject of another trade referred to in this annex or in Annex No 3 to Act No 455/1991, as amended by Act No 130/2008, Act
No 145/2010 and Act No 155/2010.
**) Act No. 179/2006 Coll., on verifying and recognising the results of continuing education and on amendments to certain Acts (Act on Recognising the Results of Further Education), as amended
Manufacture and repair of series produced
- prostheses,
- body ortheses,
- limb ortheses,
- soft bandages
a) professional competence to pursue the profession of b) professional competence to pursue the profession of orthotics/prosthetics technician in accordance with specific legislation*) and three years’ professional experience, or
c) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and three years’ professional experience, or
d) documents under Section 7(5)(a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of the Trade Licensing Act
orthotics/prosthetics fitter in accordance with specific
legislation*), or
*) Act No 96/2004 on conditions for the acquisition and recognition of
competence to engage in paramedical professions and to carry out activities connected with the provision of health care and amending certain related laws (the Paramedical Act), as amended
Opticiana) competence to pursue the healthcare profession of optometrist in accordance with specific legislation*), or
b) higher education in a field of education to become a certified optician or certified eye technician, or
c) secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a field of education to become an optician or eye technician, or
d) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and four years’ professional experience
*) Act No 96/2004 on conditions for the acquisition and recognition of competence to engage in paramedical professions and to carry out activities connected with the provision of health care and amending certain related laws (the Paramedical Act), as amended by Act No 125/2005
Disposal of hazardous wastea) university education and one year’s professional experience, or
b) higher education in a technical or scientific field of study and three years’ professional experience, or
c) secondary education with
a school-leaving examination in a technical or scientific field of study and three years’ professional experience, or
d) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and four years’ professional experience
No 185/2001 on waste and amending certain other laws
Construction designa) authorization or entry in the register of registered persons in accordance with Act No 360/1992 on the profession of authorized architects and the profession of authorized engineers and technicians active in construction, as amended, or
b) university education in a master study programme and study field focusing on civil engineering or architecture and three years’ experience of structural design, or
c) university education in a bachelor study programme and study field focusing on civil engineering or architecture and five years’ experience of structural design, or
d) higher education in a field of study focusing on civil
engineering and five years’ experience of structural design, or
e) secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a field of study focusing on civil engineering and five years’ experience of structural design, or
Sections 158 and 159 of Act No 183/2006 on land- use planning and building rules (the Building Act)
Construction of structures, changes thereto, and demolition thereofa) authorization or entry in the register of registered persons in accordance with Act No 360/1992, as amended, or
b) university education in a master study programme and study field focusing on civil engineering or architecture and three years’ experience of construction, or
c) university education in a bachelor study programme and study field focusing on civil engineering or architecture and five years’ experience of construction, or
d) higher education in a field of study focusing on civil
engineering and five years’ experience of construction, or
e) secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a field of study focusing on civil engineering and five years’ experience of construction, or
f) documents under Section 7(5)(a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of the Trade Licensing Act
Section 160 of Act No 183/2006
Purchase, sale, destruction and disposal of category P2, T2 and F4 pyrotechnic articles and work with fireworksfor the purchase, sale, destruction and disposal of category P2 pyrotechnic articles P2, a certificate of professional competence pursuant to Section 36 (1)(a) of Act
No. 206/2015 Coll.;
for the purchase, sale, destruction and disposal of category T2 and F4 pyrotechnic articles and work with fireworks, a certificate of professional competence pursuant to Section 36 (1)(b) or a document pursuant to Section 66 (8) of Act
No. 206/2015 Coll.
Act No. 206/2015 Coll.
Purchase and sale of cultural monuments*) or items of cultural value**)a) university education in a study programme and study field focusing on fine art, restoration
or the history of art, or b) higher education in a field of study focusing on fine art, restoration, conservation or works of fine and applied art and one year’s professional experience, or
c) secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a field of study focusing on fine art, restoration, conservation, works of fine and applied art or trading in antiques and one year’s professional experience, or
d) secondary education with a certificate of apprenticeship in a relevant field of study focusing on fine art, restoration, conservation or works of fine and applied art and three years’ professional experience, or
e) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and four years’ professional experience
*) Act No 20/1987 on the care of monuments by the State, as amended
**) Act No 71/1994 on the sale and export of items of cultural value, as amended
Trade in animals used for livestock breedinga) university education in a study programme and study field focusing on livestock breeding, zootechnics or veterinary
medicine and one year’s professional experience, or
b) higher education in a field of study focusing on livestock breeding, zootechnics or veterinary medicine and two years’ professional experience, or
c) secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a field of study focusing on livestock breeding, zootechnics or veterinary medicine and two years’ professional experience, or
d) secondary education with a certificate of apprenticeship in a field of study focusing on livestock breeding or zootechnics and three years’ professional experience, or
e) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and four years’ professional experience, or
f) documents under Section 7(5)(j), (k), (l) or (m) of the Trade Licensing Act
Accounting consulting, bookkeeping, tax accountinga) university education and three years’ professional experience, or
b) higher education and five years’ professional experience, or
c) secondary education with a school-leaving examination and five years’ professional experience, or
d) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and five years’ professional experience
Independent Loss Adjustersecondary education with a school- leaving examination
Performance of voluntary auctions of movables under the Public Auctions Acta) university education, or
b) higher education and two years’ business experience, or
c) secondary education with a school-leaving examination and three years’ business experience, or
d) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and four years’ professional experience, or
e) documents under Section 7(5)(j), (k), (l) or (m) of the Trade Licensing Act
Act No 26/2000 on public auctions, as amended
Valuation of property*)
- movable assets,
- immovable assets,
- intangible assets,
- financial assets,
- business operations
for the valuation of movable and immovable assets:
a) university education in a study programme and study field focusing on property valuation, or
b) university education and lifelong learning in accordance with specific legislation**) consisting of at least four semesters focusing on the valuation of a particular category of property, or
c) at least secondary education with matriculation in the discipline in which the valuation is to be carried out, and life-long learning under special legislation**) of 2 semesters focused on property valuation, or
d) at least secondary education with matriculation in the discipline in which the valuation is to be carried out and post- matriculation qualification studies of at least 2 school years focused on property valuation, or
e) at least secondary education with matriculation in the discipline in which the valuation is to be carried out and 2 years of professional experience in property valuation, or
f) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and five years’ professional experience in property valuation;

for valuations of intangible assets, financial assets and business operations:
a) university education in a study programme and study field focusing on property valuation, or
b) university education and lifelong learning in accordance with specific legislation**) consisting of at least four semesters focusing on the valuation of a particular category of property, or
c) university education and lifelong learning in accordance with specific legislation**) consisting of at least two semesters focusing on the valuation of a particular category of property, and two years’ professional experience.

*) the notifier shall define the objects of business pursuant to the first sentence of Section 45(4) of Act No 455/1991, as
amended by Act No 130/2008, in accordance with submitted evidence of professional competence

**) Section 60 of Act No 111/1998 on universities and amending other laws (the Universities Act), as amended by Act No 147/2001
Geodesic activities*)a) university education in a study
programme and study field focusing on surveying and one
a) university education in a study
programme and study field focusing on surveying and one year’s professional experience, or
b) higher education in a field of study focusing on surveying and three years’ professional experience, or
c) secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a field of study focusing on surveying and three years’ professional experience, or
d) authorization issued by the Czech Office for Surveying,
Mapping and Cadastre**) or
e) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and four years’ professional experience.
*) Act No 200/1994 on
surveying and amending certain laws related to the implementation thereof, as amended

**) Section 14 of Act No 200/1994, as amended by Act No 186/2001
Inspection, checking and testing
of specified technical
equipment in operations
Certificate issued by a track administrative authority
Sections 47 and 48 of Act No 266/1994 on railways, as amended by Act No 23/2000 and Act No 191/2006
Restoration of works of art that are not cultural monuments or parts thereof but are held in the collections of museums and galleries*), or of objects of cultural
a) university education in a study programme and study field focusing on restoration or fine art, or
b) higher education in a field of education focusing on restoration or fine art, or
c) secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a relevant field of study focusing on restoration, fine art or applied art and three years’ experience of restoration, or
d) secondary education with a certificate of apprenticeship in a relevant field of study focusing on fine art or applied art and five years’ experience of restoration, or
e) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and six years’ professional experience.
*) Act No 122/2000 on the protection of collections of a museum nature and amending certain other laws, as amended

**) Act No 71/1994 on the sale and export of items of cultural value, as amended
Special protective disinfection, disinsectization and disinfestation
- without using dangerous chemicals and dangerous chemical mixtures classified as toxic or highly toxic *), excluding special protective disinfection, disinsectization and disinfestation in food- processing and agricultural operations,

- in food-processing or agricultural operations,

- using dangerous chemicals and dangerous chemical mixtures classified as toxic or highly toxic *) excluding special protective disinsectization and disinfestation in food- processing or agricultural operations
for special protective disinfection, disinsectization and disinfestation without using dangerous chemicals and dangerous chemical mixtures classified as toxic or highly toxic *), excluding special protective disinfection, disinsectization and disinfestation in food-processing and agricultural operations:
a) professional competence in accordance with Section 58(1) of Act No. 258/2000 Coll., on the protection of public health and amending certain related Acts, as amended by Act No. 392/2005 Coll., and Act No. 267/2015 Coll., or
b) a professional qualification to work as a sanitation worker without fumigants in accordance with a special legal regulation*), or
c) documents under Section 7(5)(j), (k),( l) or (m) of the Trade Licensing Act;

for special protective disinfection, disinsectization and disinfestation in food-processing or agricultural operations:
a) professional competence in accordance with Section 58(2) of Act No. 258/2000 Coll., as amended by Act No. 392/2005 Coll., , and Act No. 267/2015 Coll., or
b) a professional qualification to work as a sanitation worker without fumigants in accordance with a special legal regulation**), or
c) documents under Section 7(5)(j),(k),(l) or (m) of the Trade Licensing Act;

for special protective disinfection, disinsectization and disinfestation using dangerous chemicals and dangerous chemical mixtures classified as toxic or highly toxic *) excluding special protective disinfection and disinfestation in food-processing or agricultural operations:
a) professional competence in accordance with Section 58(2) of Act No. 258/2000 Coll., as amended by Act No. 392/2005 Coll., and Act No. 267/2015 Coll., or
b) a professional qualification to work as a sanitation worker without fumigants in accordance with a special legal regulation**), or
c) documents under Section 7(5)(j),(k),(l) or (m) of the Trade Licensing Act;
Coll., or
b) a professional qualification to work as a sanitation worker without fumigants in accordance with a special legal regulation**), or
c) documents under Section 7(5)(j),(k),(l) or (m) of the Trade Licensing Act;

for special protective disinfection, disinsectization and disinfestation using dangerous chemicals and dangerous chemical mixtures classified as toxic or highly toxic *) excluding special protective disinfection and disinfestation in food-processing or agricultural operations:
a) professional competence in accordance with Section 58(2) of Act No. 258/2000 Coll., as amended by Act No. 392/2005 Coll., and Act No. 267/2015 Coll., or
b) a professional qualification to work as a sanitation worker without fumigants in accordance with a special legal regulation**), or
c) documents under Section 7(5)(j),(k),(l) or (m) of the Trade Licensing Act
*) § 44a (3) and (4) of Act No. 258/2000 Coll., as amended by Act No. 267/2015
Coll. **) Act No. 179/2006 Coll., as amended.
Tourist assistance activities in mountain areasa) secondary education with a school-leaving examination and professional qualification for mountain tourist assistance activities in accordance with specific legislation*), or
b) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and four years’ professional experience
*) Act No 179/2006 on the certification and recognition of the results of further education and amending certain laws (the Act on the Recognition of Further Education Results)
Water rescue servicea) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, or
b) a professional qualification for the activity of an open water rescuer, or for the activity of a senior life guard in accordance with specific legislation
*) Act No. 179/2006 Coll., as amended
Fire protection technical and organizational activitya) university education in a study programme and study field focusing on fire protection, or
b) higher education in a field of education focusing on fire protection, or
c) secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a field of education focusing on fire protection, or
d) certificate of professional competence issued by the Ministry of the Interior, or
e) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and two years’ professional experience
Section 11 of Act No 133/1985 on fire protection, as amended by Act No 237/2000
Provision of services related to occupational health and safetya) university education in occupational health and safety and one year’s experience of occupational health and safety,
or b) higher education and two years’ experience of occupational health and safety, or
c) secondary education with a school-leaving examination and three years’ experience of occupational health and safety, or
d) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and three years’ experience of occupational health and safety, or
e) a document of a successfully completed examination of competence under special legislation*)
*) Section 10 paragraph 1
(c) and Section 10 paragraph 2 (c) of Act No. 309/2006 Coll., stipulating further
requirements for
occupational health and
safety in labour relations
and ensuring safety and
health protection during
work activities or
providing services outside
labour relations (Act on
securing other conditions
for health and safety at
work), as amended, and
Section 8 paragraph 1 and
2 of Government
Resolution No. 592/2006
Coll., on conditions for
accreditation and
performing proficiency
Provision of physical education and sports services in the field of*)a) university education in a study programme and study field focusing on physical culture, physical education and sport, or
b) higher education in a field of education focusing on physical culture, physical education and sport, or c) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, or
d) a professional qualification for the relevant area of physical education activities **)
*)the notifier shall define the objects of business pursuant to the first sentence of Section 45(4) of Act No 455/1991, as amended by Act No 130/2008, in accordance with submitted evidence of professional competence
**) Act No. 179/2006 Coll., as amended
Driving instructionprofessional certificate issued by the competent regional authority*) and one year’s professional experience*) Section 21(1) of Act No 247/2000 on the acquisition and recognition of professional competence to drive motor vehicles and amending certain laws, as amended by Act No 478/2001
Organization of courses to acquire qualifications in special protective disinfection, disinsectization and disinfestationprofessional competence in accordance with Section 58(1) of Act No 258/2000 on the protection of public health and amending certain related laws, as amended by
Act No 392/2005
Day care of children up to the age of threea) professional competence to pursue the profession of a general nurse or health assistant, carer, midwife, or paramedic under specific legislation*), or
b) professional competence to pursue the profession of social worker or social services worker under specific legislation**), or
c) professional qualifications to pursue the profession of nursery school teacher in accordance with specific legislation***) or
d) professional qualifications for the activities of nannies taking care of pre-school children in accordance with specific legislation****);
*) Act No 96/2004 on conditions for the acquisition and recognition of competence to engage in paramedical professions and to carry out activities connected with the provision of health care and amending certain related laws (the Paramedical Act), as amended
**) Act No 108/2006 on social services, as amended
***) Act No 563/2004 on pedagogical staff and amending certain other laws, as amended
****) Act No 179/2006, as amended
Psychological consulting and diagnosticsa) university education in a study programme and study field focusing on livestock breeding, zootechnics or veterinary
medicine and one year’s professional experience, or
b) higher education in a field of study focusing on livestock breeding, zootechnics or veterinary medicine and two years’ professional experience, or
c) secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a field of study focusing on livestock breeding, zootechnics or veterinary medicine and two years’ professional experience, or
d) secondary education with a certificate of apprenticeship in a field of study focusing on livestock breeding or zootechnics and three years’ professional experience, or
e) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and four years’ professional experience, or
f) documents under Section 7(5)(j), (k), (l) or (m) of the Trade Licensing Act
Animal traininga) university education in a study programme and study field focusing on livestock breeding, zootechnics or veterinary
medicine and one year’s professional experience, or
b) higher education in a field of study focusing on livestock breeding, zootechnics or veterinary medicine and two years’ professional experience, or
c) secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a field of study focusing on livestock breeding, zootechnics or veterinary medicine and two years’ professional experience, or
d) secondary education with a certificate of apprenticeship in a field of study focusing on livestock breeding or zootechnics and three years’ professional experience, or
e) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and four years’ professional experience, or
f) documents under Section 7(5)(j), (k), (l) or (m) of the Trade Licensing Act
Activities disturbing the integrity of human skina) professional competence to pursue the profession of physician or dental practitioner in accordance with specific legislation*), or
b) professional competence to pursue the profession of a general nurse, midwife, paramedic or health assistant under specific legislation**), or
c) secondary education with a school-leaving examination in the study field of cosmetics and a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional competence for activities where the integrity of the human skin disturbed, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, or
d) secondary education with a certificate of apprenticeship in the study field of cosmetics and a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional competence for activities where the integrity of the human skin is disturbed, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, or
e) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional competence for a cosmetician and for activities where the integrity of the human skin is disturbed, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by
the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and four years of professional experience in cosmetic services or in activities where the integrity of the human skin disturbed.
f) a professional qualification for beauticians and for certain activities during which the integrity of the human skin is disturbed (expert in permanent make- up, piercer or tatoo artist) in accordance with specific legislation ***) and 1 year of experience in the field of cosmetic services or in activities during which the integrity of the human skin is disturbed.
*) Act No 95/2004 on conditions for the acquisition and recognition of professional competence and specialist
competence to practice as a physician, dental practitioner or pharmacist, as amended by Act No 125/2005

**) Act No 96/2004, as amended by Act No 125/2005
***) Act No. 179/2006 Coll., as amended
Massage, reconditioning, and regeneration servicesa) professional competence to pursue the profession of physician and specialized competence in the field of rehabilitation and physical medicine or sports medicine in accordance with specific legislation,*) or
b) professional competence to pursue the profession of physiotherapist or masseur or blind and weak-sighted masseur in accordance with specific legislation,**) or
c) university education in a study programme and study field focusing on rehabilitation or physical education, or
d) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, or
e) professional qualification for traditional or sport massage under specific legislation***)
*) Act No 95/2004, as amended by Act No 125/2005
**) Act No 96/2004, as amended by Act No 125/2005
***) Act No 179/2006, as amended
Operation of solariumsa) professional competence to pursue the profession of physician or dental practitioner in accordance with specific legislation*) and a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, or
b) professional competence to pursue the profession of general nurse, midwife, occupational therapist, radiology assistant, assistant for the protection of public health, paramedic, biomedicine technician, biotechnological assistant, radiology technician, physiotherapist, radiological physicist, biomedicine engineer, expert in the protection of public health, or health assistance in accordance with specific legislation**) and a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or
by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, or
c) university education in a study programme and study field focusing on physical culture, physical education and sport, and a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, or
d) a retraining certificate for non-medical workers or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls, and one year’s professional experience, or
e) a professional qualification for the activity a solarium operator under specific legislation***) and 1 year of experience in the field
*) Act No 95/2004, as amended by Act No 125/2005
**) Act No 96/2004, as amended by Act No 125/2005
***) Act No 179/2006, as amended

For more information, please contact:

JUDr. Mojmír Ježek, Ph.D.
Managing partner

ECOVIS ježek, advokátní kancelář s.r.o.
Betlémské nám. 6
110 00 Prague 1

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The Czech law office in Prague ECOVIS ježek practices mainly in the area of Czech commercial law, Czech real estate law, representation at Czech courts, administrative bodies and arbitration courts, as well as Czech finance and banking law, and provides full-fledged advice in all areas, making it a suitable alternative for clients of international law offices. The international dimension of the Czech legal services provided is ensured through past experience and through co-operation with leading legal offices in most European countries, the US, and other jurisdictions. The Czech lawyers of the ECOVIS ježek team have many years of experience from leading international law offices and tax companies, in providing legal advice to multinational corporations, large Czech companies, but also to medium-sized companies and individual clients. For more information, go to

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