Czech mergers and acquisitions (Czech M&A)
M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) is one of the key areas of specialization of ECOVIS ježek, Czech law firm. The Czech lawyers of the Czech law office participated in a number of czech local mergers, cross-boarder mergers and transformations in various branches of business and industry in the Czech Republic, including banking, telecommunications, chemical industry and energy and they are ready to help you with any of your M&A affairs. We advices clients in acquisition of Czech companies. The team of our lawyers is able to effectively assist in smaller and simpler routine transactions as well as in complex and larger projects with an international element or tax aspects while maintaining maximal time and financial efficiency.
Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) services
The advice typically provided by ECOVIS ježek, Czech law firm in this area includes, in particular:
- detailed preparation of the transaction structure
- lawyer's services in connection with regional acquisitions
performing due diligence - use of expertise on the given business discipline in preparing the structure of the transaction
- preparing and discussing transaction documentation
- compliance with relevant legislation
- consultancy after the transaction
- czech mergers and cross-border mergers involving Czech companies and any types of transformations
ECOVIS ježek, the Czech law firm can ensure for complex Czech legal advice in company formation and set-up of Czech business for business clients
Mojmír Ježek and other members of the Czech ECOVIS team have extensive experience with provision of top-quality legal services in all aspects of Czech law.
You can reach the responsible partner at the following contact details.
t: +420 226 236 600 | e: mojmir.jezek@ecovislegal.cz