Online data rooms
Czech law firm ECOVIS ježek can work with rj consultancy s.r.o. to facilitate the use of Virtual Room Data (VDR) - a highly secure Internet repository designed to store and distribute secret and confidential documents. The co-operation of ECOVIS ježek, Czech law firm and rj consultancy s.r.o. delivers related legal services to clients, such as pre-checking documents and providing legal, financial, tax or technical due diligence.
Virtual room data
rj data rooms are a secure virtual document sharing space where you can share them online with business partners and / or their employees or partners. Web application of the electronic data room to its users ensures convenient and easy checking of uploaded and shared files, including various options for their maintenance and distribution among end-users. Access is possible 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the year; there are no restrictions on the number of access permissions, the time spent browsing the shared data, or the amount of downloaded data. Electronic data room is designed to expedite and rationalize client transaction and project negotiations while providing a high level of secure data sharing through strictly controlled access permissions.
rj data rooms offers:
- simple and clever document organization
- highly secure access 24 hours a day
- control of access permissions
- a fast system and a user-friendly environment
- the ability to share documents and data with clients more than can be emailed
Virtual room data is the best way to share documents. Uploading and sharing documents with business partners and / or employees or partners can greatly reduce the amount of printed documents, which can bring great savings. Eliminates costs associated with maintenance of your own room data, travel expenses, transportation, and courier service for the transport of paper documents.
System benefits of rj data rooms:
- accelerates the execution of transactions and allows access to information to an unlimited number of interested parties or business partners
- allows clients to track access history and access permissions
- allows you to control the rights of inserting, editing, copying, forwarding or printing shared documents
- all documents stored in the virtual room data are digitally signed, which prevents their unauthorized editing
- automatically alerts you about newly inserted data and allows you to immediately remove or cut access rights to specific documents
In case of specific needs, we are able to ensure that the room data is enabled on client servers or hosted servers, even under our own domain. As part of the specific requirements, we are able to continue to manage the room data or to provide training for its staff.
rj data rooms will allow you to realize more efficiently, faster and more easily:
- due diligence (financial, legal or technical)
- mergers and acquisitions
- pre-check of documents
- tax and accounting audit
ECOVIS ježek, the Czech law firm can ensure for complex Czech legal advice in company formation and set-up of Czech business for business clients
Mojmír Ježek and other members of the Czech ECOVIS team have extensive experience with provision of top-quality legal services in all aspects of Czech law.
You can reach the responsible partner at the following contact details.
t: +420 226 236 600 | e: mojmir.jezek@ecovislegal.cz