Data Privacy

Protection of personal data

This statement will tell you how to process, store, and use data that ECOVIS ježek, law firm he / she collects and harms his / her customers or users.

All handling of personal data of customers is governed by Act No. 101/2000 Coll., On Personal Data Protection, as amended, and other legal regulations in force in the Czech Republic. ECOVIS ježek, law firm is the controller and also the data processor within the meaning of the aforementioned Act.

Collecting your personal information

The data we collect in relation to your person or company and which serves solely to provide or deliver the requested service or product and to send news or offers may include your name and surname, title, name of your company or organization, your contact email, and telephone, address to work or home, information about your position in employment, regional membership, and eventual membership in professional chambers.

Website operated by ECOVIS ježek, law firm may collect certain information about a user visit, such as the name of the ISP and the IP address used by those users to access the Internet, the date and time of their access to that site, visited pages, queries entered, open documents or an Internet address, who is at ECOVIS ježek, law firm sites directly connected by users. This information serves to improve these sites, manage them and analyze trends.

Securing and accessing your personal data

We pay great attention to safeguarding your privacy. We help protect your personal information against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure by using a variety of security technologies and procedures. The information you provide us is stored on restricted access computer computers located in secure devices. Only selected employees of ECOVIS ježek, law firm customer service, distribution, or processing analytics for subsequent use in providing legal advice, marketing, and product and service development.

At customer's request, which must be delivered in writing to the address of the company, we provide customer-guided customer information without delay, the customer may request that they be repaired or suspended from sending any commercial communications.

This statement is also available in printed form at the reception of the company's registered office.
